Hub is a next generation smart proxy for LLM applications. It centralizes control and tracing of all LLM calls and traces. It’s built in Rust so it’s fast and efficient. It’s completely open-source and free to use.



  1. Clone the repo:
git clone
  1. Copy the config-example.yaml file to config.yaml and set the correct values (see below for more information).

  2. Run the hub by running cargo run in the root directory.

With Docker

Traceloop Hub is available as a docker image named traceloop/hub. Make sure to create a config.yaml file following the configuration instructions.

docker run --rm -p 3000:3000 -v $(pwd)/config.yaml:/etc/hub/config.yaml:ro -e CONFIG_FILE_PATH='/etc/hub/config.yaml'  -t traceloop/hub

Connecting to Hub

After running the hub and configuring it, you can start using it to invoke available LLM providers. Its API is the standard OpenAI API, so you can use it as a drop-in replacement for your LLM calls.

You can invoke different pipelines by passing the x-traceloop-pipeline header. If none is specified, the default pipeline will be used.

import openai

client = OpenAI(
    # default_headers={"x-traceloop-pipeline": "optional-pipeline-name"},